
When you’re happy, things just tend to work out …or do they?

Have you ever met a person who is always positive? Maybe you’ve explained a disappointing, frustrating, or bad situation, and that positive person always finds the silver lining. Stubbed your toe? …At least you didn’t break your foot. Spilled coffee in your lap? …Hey, good reason to change outfits and start the day fresh. Housing

When you’re happy, things just tend to work out …or do they? Read More »

Overwhelmed with Coordinating Listings? You don’t have to be.

As an agent, having the right tools to manage and grow your business is critical to your success. Daily and weekly, you use more than a dozen resources to help you manage your business. The recurring tasks and to-dos involved in every transaction take time. It can be overwhelming to handle all of the steps

Overwhelmed with Coordinating Listings? You don’t have to be. Read More »