Have you ever thought about the amount of time you spend on real estate-related tasks? If you had to write down a list of everything you spend your time on “doing real estate,” what would your list consist of? Researching property, creating flyers, creating content such as newsletters or market updates, attending networking events, and hosting open houses.
Compile your list and rank each task as A, B, or C…
A: Predictably cultivates leads that convert to closing new sales.
B: Sometimes, can maybe, might lead to new sales. Not predictable.
C: Does not directly lead to new sales. These tasks are mundane and administrative, yet they are vital to the overall growth of your business.They demand too much of your time and resources.
What real estate goals would you accomplish this year if you were able to prioritize your “A” tasks? Between showing properties, prospecting, and hosting open houses – managing the “busy” work can be difficult, and finding the time may feel impossible. What tasks can you leverage in your day-to-day real estate business to give you the gift of time? How can you increase productivity and efficiency in your day-to-day operations so you can focus on the most important activities, such as client interactions?
At the Mike Brown Group, we have a circle of support that helps leverage a variety of your tasks. We have a dedicated team to assist you in many of the necessary day-to-day tasks that require your resources and time away from being able to hone in on those important “A” tasks– those predictable lead-producing tasks. Our all-inclusive staff consists of transaction coordinators, a listing coordinator, and an agent concierge. As well, we offer a full-fledged marketing team of graphic designers, social media managers, content writer, videographer, and digital creatives.
Our talented staff takes care of the long list of “B” & “C” tasks so you can focus on the “A” items to help increase productivity and efficiency in your day-to-day list of to-do’s. With our designated support team, you are able to free up time and mental bandwidth. We are here to help you achieve your 2023 real estate goals!